Mobile AI: From Cloud AI to On-Device AI (24.10.2019) | speaker Merouane DEBBAH

Join Open Lecture about Mobile AI and its developmental potential that is one of the most modern topic for nowadays, arranged by Huawei Research Institute.

Наука 16+

Huawei open lecture in SPbU: Mobile AI: From Cloud AI to On-Device AI (24.10.2019)

Speaker: Merouane DEBBAH | IEEE and WWRF Fellow, Director of the Huawei Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab, Paris, France

Fueled by the availability of more data and computing power, recent breakthroughs in cloud-based machine learning (ML) have transformed every aspect of our lives from face recognition and medical diagnosis to natural language processing. However, classical ML exerts severe demands in terms of energy, memory and computing resources, limiting their adoption for resource constrained edge devices. The new breed of intelligent devices requires a novel paradigm change calling for distributed, low-latency and reliable ML at the wireless network edge. This talk will explore the potential of the Mobile AI paradigm to unlock the full potential of 5G and beyond. 

Benefits for students:

  • Opportunity to communicate with experts
  • Good gifts, e.g. Huawei mini speaker, Huawei Band and etc.
  • Internship opportunity in Huawei R&D
  • How to apply Huawei scholarship

A coffe breake will be organized for the participants of the event. 

The lecture will take place in Big Auditorium, SPbU,10th lane V.O. 33-35, starting at 17:45 pm.

For questions, contact Xiaonan at

Prepared by Huawei Russian Research Institute.


1966 дней назад
24 октября 2019 17:45–19:45

10th lane V.O. 33-35, SPbU, Auditorium
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