The Computer Vision Training Course from Huawei SHARE in MIPT

Computer vision is currently one of the most active and popular research fields in artificial intelligence, with the goal being enabling computers to perceive and understand real world via capturing optical signals. With various kinds of cameras equipped, modern computers are widely applied to helping people with more and more complex tasks, such as assisting doctors with clinical diagnosis, taking care of patients, equipping vehicles with the ability of automatic driving, and enabling smart robots to execute dangerous tasks. Based on these promising applications, recent years have witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, of AI companies to emerge in different commercial areas.

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The Computer Vision Training Course 

Huawei SHARE Program

The course on Computer Vision is a training program which was designed by the top-level scientists in Huawei Technologies. The goal is to provide a brief introduction to the basic knowledge as well as trending topics in this intriguing research field. You will have the chance to communicate with Huawei’s researchers working on the frontier of computer vision, and deepen understanding with the help of interesting homework, including paper reading, practical coding and a course project. After this course, all students are supposed to get more familiar with cutting edge techniques and algorithms, popular libraries in computer vision research and developments, as well as the practice in Huawei’s powerful AI development platform (Model Arts).

Join us to learn computer vision, and create a new opportunity for your future career!

Why we choose the computer vision?

Computer vision is currently one of the most active and popular research fields in artificial intelligence, with the goal being enabling computers to perceive and understand real world via capturing optical signals. With various kinds of cameras equipped, modern computers are widely applied to helping people with more and more complex tasks, such as assisting doctors with clinical diagnosis, taking care of patients, equipping vehicles with the ability of automatic driving, and enabling smart robots to execute dangerous tasks. Based on these promising applications, recent years have witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, of AI companies to emerge in different commercial areas.

What can we benefit from the Computer Vision Training program?

  1. Learning the basic knowledge as well as trending topics in this intriguing computer vision research field
  2. Deep understanding with the help of interesting homework, including paper reading, practical coding and a course project in Huawei’s powerful AI development platform
  3. Communication with Huawei’s best international researchers working on the frontier of computer vision
  4. Chance to challenge real problem with Huawei’s internships
  5. Scholarships and Huawei Lab tours for the excellent students in the course

The information of Computer Vision Training program

The program is open for free training for MIPT’s students, 1st-2nd years of Masters and 3rd-4th years graduates are admitted to the courses. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates can issue credits at the MIPT. International and Russian experts from Huawei will give 12 lectures in the course.  The teaching language is English so fluent listening and speaking skills are necessary.

The one academic semester training course of computer vision will start on October 8th, two beginning lectures are at the first week and after one lecture per week till December 17th.

Talk to the international perfect lectures

The training programs have invited the best scientists of computer vision from Huawei’s international Research Institutes. Join the course and discuss the frontier of computer vision with the best lecturers:

  • Dr. Qi Tian, Chief Scientist of Huawei Computer Vision
  • Dr. Chunjing Xu, Director of Huawei Computer Vision Laboratory
  • Dr. Ales Leonardis, Senior Researcher of Huawei London Research Center
  • Dr. Filippov Alexander, Director of IT Algorithm Laboratory, Moscow Research Center
  • Dr. Lingxi Xie, Senior Researcher of Huawei Noah’s Ark Laboratory
  • Dr. Xiaopeng Zhang, Senior Researcher of Huawei Noah’s Ark Laboratory
  • Dr. Xu Jia, Senior Researcher of Huawei Noah’s Ark Laboratory

What can we learn?

Basic knowledge of computer vision

  • Fundamentals of Computer Vision
  • Old-school Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Semantic Understanding: Classification, Detection and Segmentation

Trending topics in computer vision

  • Generative Models and GAN
  • Video and Medical Image Analytics
  • Single Image Super-Resolution
  • 3D Reconstruction
  • Weakly-supervised Learning Algorithms
  • Neural Architecture Search
  • Image and Video Captioning

Different types of homework of this course are designed based on material of each lecture, including paper reading, practical coding and a course project to provide you with knowledge & practice. And a convenient online learning platform can support you learn better.

To participate in Computer Vision course please send your short cv to, and register below for the first organizational open seminar.


1928 дней назад
8 октября 18:30 — 17 декабря 2019 18:30

МФТИ, Научный переулок, д.4, этаж 4, поточная аудитория Физтех.Арктика
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